Therapeutic Massage

Based in predominantly Swedish techniques, therapeutic massage is mainly focussed on alleviating stress, leaving you with a wonderful sense of relaxation and calm. Whilst still tailored to your individual needs and preferences, this style of massage provides a soothing experience, and you are invited to zone out and drift off while your therapist eases tension, leaving you feeling relaxed, energized and relieved of tension and stress. This is an excellent choice for a first massage.

Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy massage promotes relaxation, reduces stress and can provide relief from common pregnancy-related conditions like lower back pain, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder pain, or general stiffness. Your pregnancy and/or postnatal massages are tailored to your specific needs.

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage can elicit a profound sense of relief, often described as "a good pain." This type of treatment is effective for addressing deeply held muscle tension and those hard-to-relieve knots in the back. This modality is an effective healing aid for sports and exercise injuries, and beneficial for stress relief.

Thai Massage

Using a combination of authentic Thai massage and deep tissue techniques, stretching and whole body movements, Thai massage is practiced in comfortable clothing on a mat. The therapist uses several body parts–hands, elbows and feet–to knead muscles and stretch the body. It is designed to increase mobility, while reducing muscle tension and washing away deeply held stress. No specific level of fitness or flexibility is required.

Massage Pricing

90 minutes – $170.00+hst

75 minutes – $145.00+hst

60 minutes – $120.00+hst

45 minutes – $95.00+hst

For mobile (in-home or in-office) sessions, add $100* to cover travel time and expenses.

* for most locations within the City of Toronto. If outside of this area, please inquire for rates.

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